zero page addressing - tradução para árabe
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zero page addressing - tradução para árabe

Zeropage; Zero page (processor property); Page zero; Base page; Root module; Zero base; Zero-page addressing; Zero page addressing; Direct page addressing; Direct Page addressing; DP addressing; Direct page

zero page addressing         
عنونة صفحة الصفر
Zero base         
موازنة من الصفر
absolute coding         
Addressing modes; Indirect word; Address mode; Indirect address; Absolute coding; Absolute and relative coding; Indexed addressing; Indirect addressing; Relative coding; Effective address; Load Effective Address; Push Effective Address; Indirection bit; Indirection (computing); Special addressing modes for implementation of stacks; Conditional execution; Register indirect; Direct addressing; Address modes; Direct-addressing; Direct address (computing)
برمجة مطلقة


indirect address
<processor> An addressing mode found in many processors' instruction sets where the instruction contains the address of a memory location which contains the address of the operand (the "effective address") or specifies a register which contains the effective address. In the first case (indirection via memory), accessing the operand requires two memory accesses - one to fetch the effective address and another to read or write the actual operand. Register indirect addressing requires only one memory access. An indirect address may be indicated in assembly language by an operand in parentheses, e.g. in Motorola 68000 assembly MOV D0,(A0) writes the contents of register D0 to the location pointed to by the address in register A0. Indirect addressing is often combined with pre- or post- increment or decrement addressing, allowing the address of the operand to be increased or decreased by one (or some specified number) either before or after using it. (1994-11-07)


Zero page

The zero page or base page is the block of memory at the very beginning of a computer's address space; that is, the page whose starting address is zero. The size of a page depends on the context, and the significance of zero page memory versus higher addressed memory is highly dependent on machine architecture. For example, the Motorola 6800 and MOS Technology 6502 processor families treat the first 256 bytes of memory specially, whereas many other processors do not.

Unlike more modern hardware, in the 1970s computer RAM was as fast as or faster than the CPU. Thus it made sense to have few registers and use the main memory as an extended pool of extra registers. In machines with a relatively wide 16-bit address bus and comparatively narrow 8-bit data bus, accessing zero page locations could be faster than accessing other locations.

Zero page addressing now has mostly historical significance, since the developments in integrated circuit technology have made adding more registers to a CPU less expensive and CPU operations much faster than RAM accesses.